





河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.1河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.2河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.3河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.4河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.5河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.6河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.13河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.14河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.15河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.16河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.17河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.18河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.19河畔的朔子 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-13 12:49


  高考失利的朔子(二阶堂富美 饰)在落寞中迎来了炎热的暑假。此时远在某临海小镇的一位没有血缘的阿姨水帆(渡边真起子 饰)即将赴荷兰旅行,水帆的亲生妹妹海希江(鹤田真由 饰)约上朔子来到小镇,帮助这位阿姨照看房子。借此机会,海希江得以静下心从事印尼小说的翻译工作,朔子则总算可以在远离父母的环境下长舒一口气。水帆的青梅竹马龟田兔吉(古馆宽治 饰)在一间伪装成商务酒店的爱情旅馆里担任经理,他的侄子孝史(太贺 饰)则在店里打工。朔子与兔吉叔叔及其女儿辰子(杉野希妃 饰)、孝史熟稔,也见识了人们笑脸背后的虚伪和酸楚。  难忘的假日,转瞬即逝……


 1 ) 蓝绿色背影


 2 ) 百无聊赖之际













 3 ) 岁月很长我们要慢慢走


 4 ) あります











 5 ) 恬静美好下的丑恶


 6 ) 《视与听》上导演的访谈

                                         SUMMER IN A SMALL TOWN RUSHES
The ghosts of Rohmer and Naruse haunt Au revoir l’été,Fukada Koji’s tale of a young girl coming of age in a seaside town.
                                                                                                             By Trevor Johnston
The export release title might conjure up a
Rohmeresque world of holiday-time ennui, but
the light, bright, summery images in Fukada
Koji’s third feature, Au revoir l’été, merely serve
to lure the viewer into a film with much to
say about the ills of Japanese society. Here the
small seaside town, where Nikaido Fumi’s
teenager Sakuko finds herself staying with her
spinster aunt, gradually reveals a window on
the country’s hidden class tensions, hypocritical
attitudes to sexual equality, and the failings
of democracy after the Fukushima nuclear
disaster. The approach is discursive rather than
hectoring, though it’s still relatively rare for
a contemporary Japanese film to manifest a
genuine sense of social engagement while still
delivering an attractive and engaging drama.
Fukada’s previous work, including 2010’s
social comedy Hospitalité, has been acclaimed
on the festival circuit, but this will be the first
chance for UK cinemagoers to experience
the work of a Japanese writer-director-editor
whose work runs stealthily against the
grain – not least for the fact that he honed his
craft in the theatre with Hirata Oriza’s famed
Seinendan company, responsible for a new
strain of naturalism on the Japanese stage.
Trevor Johnston: The original Japanese title,
Hotori no Sakuko, roughly translates as ‘Sakuko
on the margin’, yet presumably creating
her character was the key to the story?
Fukada Koji: Yes, I was actually inspired
by meeting the actress Nikaido Fumi, who
manages to combine a real youthfulness with a
professional maturity, having been in the business
for a number of years. So Sakuko is someone
between childhood and the adult world. She’s
failed her university entrance exam so has to take
a year out, so it’s an ambivalent, unbalanced time
in her life, which makes her the person to take
the audience on the journey into the labyrinth.
TJ: And what are the component
parts of this labyrinth?
FK: Well, for instance, there’s a sort of fake hotel.
It looks normal, but it’s actually operating as
a love hotel, where we see the local politician
and a suggestion of teenage prostitution. It’s
illegal, but it goes on, and for me that’s a way of
exploring women’s sexual roles. Contrast that
with Mikie, Sakuko’s aunt, someone who’s made
a very strong decision not to have children, which
really runs against the common perception in
Japan that women are there to have babies.
TJ: Sakuko also strikes up a friendship with a
refugee from Fukushima, which presumably
was a way of approaching this thorny subject?
FK: Absolutely. It would not have been possible
for me to make a film without tackling the
nuclear power issue in some way, but I didn’t
want to do it directly, because in Japan we’ve
become pretty much inured to images of the
suffering in Tohoku [the region surrounding
Fukushima]. What you have to realise is that
the nuclear power issue is actually fundamental
to the question of democracy in Japan. The
explosion and the aftermath are one thing, but
then we elected politicians who are continuing
the policy of nuclear power. There are antinuclear
demonstrations almost every day,
yet that doesn’t in any way affect the power
base of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
TJ: You can sense a sort of simmering
discontent as the story progresses, but
the film never becomes overtly angry.
FK: For me the cinema is really bound up with the
history of propaganda – not so much in subject
matter, but in the process, the notion of just how
easy it is for us to be made to change our minds,
to be manipulated. So when it comes to my own
films, I’m really very wary of creating emotional
propaganda. Instead I want to create a sort of
unresolved space, something that’s discursive, so
the audience has to fill in the gaps for themselves.
TJ: There’s a certain hint of Rohmer in the
subject matter, but do I also detect a Naruse
influence in the combination of everyday
drama and underlying social comment?
FK: You spotted it. When I was growing up, I
really watched a lot of pre-1960 films, and Naruse
was the one who made the strongest impression. I
see a strong kinship between Naruse and Rohmer
because there’s always a clear relationship
between the characters and the camera. They
create a very simple, almost a pure environment
for the story. And I’ve tried to capture something
of that by always shooting the action from the
front, by keeping a certain distance, and never
distorting the relationship between the characters
and the viewer by using low camera angles.
TJ: Yes, it’s certainly unfashionably
classical in that regard, so does that
explain your choice of Academy ratio?
FK: What I’m trying to do with film is shoot
human beings and show their relationships. 4:3 is
definitely the most suitable ratio for the human
face, though something that I learned from my
work in the theatre was that when we really look
at people we realise they never really say what
they’re actually thinking. I don’t know if that’s
typically Japanese, but it’s something Sakuko
discovers for herself in the course of the story.
i Au revoir l’été is released in UK cinemas
on 24 April and is reviewed on page 69
By Trevor Johnston
The export release title might conjure up a
Rohmeresque world of holiday-time ennui, but
the light, bright, summery images in Fukada
Koji’s third feature, Au revoir l’été, merely serve
to lure the viewer into a film with much to
say about the ills of Japanese society. Here the
small seaside town, where Nikaido Fumi’s
teenager Sakuko finds herself staying with her
spinster aunt, gradually reveals a window on
the country’s hidden class tensions, hypocritical
attitudes to sexual equality, and the failings
of democracy after the Fukushima nuclear
disaster. The approach is discursive rather than
hectoring, though it’s still relatively rare for
a contemporary Japanese film to manifest a
genuine sense of social engagement while still
delivering an attractive and engaging drama.
Fukada’s previous work, including 2010’s
social comedy Hospitalité, has been acclaimed
on the festival circuit, but this will be the first
chance for UK cinemagoers to experience
the work of a Japanese writer-director-editor
whose work runs stealthily against the
grain – not least for the fact that he honed his
craft in the theatre with Hirata Oriza’s famed
Seinendan company, responsible for a new
strain of naturalism on the Japanese stage.
Trevor Johnston: The original Japanese title,
Hotori no Sakuko, roughly translates as ‘Sakuko
on the margin’, yet presumably creating
her character was the key to the story?
Fukada Koji: Yes, I was actually inspired
by meeting the actress Nikaido Fumi, who
manages to combine a real youthfulness with a
professional maturity, having been in the business
for a number of years. So Sakuko is someone
between childhood and the adult world. She’s
failed her university entrance exam so has to take
a year out, so it’s an ambivalent, unbalanced time
in her life, which makes her the person to take
the audience on the journey into the labyrinth.
TJ: And what are the component
parts of this labyrinth?
FK: Well, for instance, there’s a sort of fake hotel.
It looks normal, but it’s actually operating as
a love hotel, where we see the local politician
and a suggestion of teenage prostitution. It’s
illegal, but it goes on, and for me that’s a way of
exploring women’s sexual roles. Contrast that
with Mikie, Sakuko’s aunt, someone who’s made
a very strong decision not to have children, which
really runs against the common perception in
Japan that women are there to have babies.
TJ: Sakuko also strikes up a friendship with a
refugee from Fukushima, which presumably
was a way of approaching this thorny subject?
FK: Absolutely. It would not have been possible
for me to make a film without tackling the
nuclear power issue in some way, but I didn’t
want to do it directly, because in Japan we’ve
become pretty much inured to images of the
suffering in Tohoku [the region surrounding
Fukushima]. What you have to realise is that
the nuclear power issue is actually fundamental
to the question of democracy in Japan. The
explosion and the aftermath are one thing, but
then we elected politicians who are continuing
the policy of nuclear power. There are antinuclear
demonstrations almost every day,
yet that doesn’t in any way affect the power
base of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
TJ: You can sense a sort of simmering
discontent as the story progresses, but
the film never becomes overtly angry.
FK: For me the cinema is really bound up with the
history of propaganda – not so much in subject
matter, but in the process, the notion of just how
easy it is for us to be made to change our minds,
to be manipulated. So when it comes to my own
films, I’m really very wary of creating emotional
propaganda. Instead I want to create a sort of
unresolved space, something that’s discursive, so
the audience has to fill in the gaps for themselves.
TJ: There’s a certain hint of Rohmer in the
subject matter, but do I also detect a Naruse
influence in the combination of everyday
drama and underlying social comment?
FK: You spotted it. When I was growing up, I
really watched a lot of pre-1960 films, and Naruse
was the one who made the strongest impression. I
see a strong kinship between Naruse and Rohmer
because there’s always a clear relationship
between the characters and the camera. They
create a very simple, almost a pure environment
for the story. And I’ve tried to capture something
of that by always shooting the action from the
front, by keeping a certain distance, and never
distorting the relationship between the characters
and the viewer by using low camera angles.
TJ: Yes, it’s certainly unfashionably
classical in that regard, so does that
explain your choice of Academy ratio?
FK: What I’m trying to do with film is shoot
human beings and show their relationships. 4:3 is
definitely the most suitable ratio for the human
face, though something that I learned from my
work in the theatre was that when we really look
at people we realise they never really say what
they’re actually thinking. I don’t know if that’s
typically Japanese, but it’s something Sakuko
discovers for herself in the course of the story.
i Au revoir l’été is released in UK cinemas
on 24 April and is reviewed on page 69
By Trevor Johnston
The export release title might conjure up a
Rohmeresque world of holiday-time ennui, but
the light, bright, summery images in Fukada
Koji’s third feature, Au revoir l’été, merely serve
to lure the viewer into a film with much to
say about the ills of Japanese society. Here the
small seaside town, where Nikaido Fumi’s
teenager Sakuko finds herself staying with her
spinster aunt, gradually reveals a window on
the country’s hidden class tensions, hypocritical
attitudes to sexual equality, and the failings
of democracy after the Fukushima nuclear
disaster. The approach is discursive rather than
hectoring, though it’s still relatively rare for
a contemporary Japanese film to manifest a
genuine sense of social engagement while still
delivering an attractive and engaging drama.
Fukada’s previous work, including 2010’s
social comedy Hospitalité, has been acclaimed
on the festival circuit, but this will be the first
chance for UK cinemagoers to experience
the work of a Japanese writer-director-editor
whose work runs stealthily against the
grain – not least for the fact that he honed his
craft in the theatre with Hirata Oriza’s famed
Seinendan company, responsible for a new
strain of naturalism on the Japanese stage.
Trevor Johnston: The original Japanese title,
Hotori no Sakuko, roughly translates as ‘Sakuko
on the margin’, yet presumably creating
her character was the key to the story?
Fukada Koji: Yes, I was actually inspired
by meeting the actress Nikaido Fumi, who
manages to combine a real youthfulness with a
professional maturity, having been in the business
for a number of years. So Sakuko is someone
between childhood and the adult world. She’s
failed her university entrance exam so has to take
a year out, so it’s an ambivalent, unbalanced time
in her life, which makes her the person to take
the audience on the journey into the labyrinth.
TJ: And what are the component
parts of this labyrinth?
FK: Well, for instance, there’s a sort of fake hotel.
It looks normal, but it’s actually operating as
a love hotel, where we see the local politician
and a suggestion of teenage prostitution. It’s
illegal, but it goes on, and for me that’s a way of
exploring women’s sexual roles. Contrast that
with Mikie, Sakuko’s aunt, someone who’s made
a very strong decision not to have children, which
really runs against the common perception in
Japan that women are there to have babies.
TJ: Sakuko also strikes up a friendship with a
refugee from Fukushima, which presumably
was a way of approaching this thorny subject?
FK: Absolutely. It would not have been possible
for me to make a film without tackling the
nuclear power issue in some way, but I didn’t
want to do it directly, because in Japan we’ve
become pretty much inured to images of the
suffering in Tohoku [the region surrounding
Fukushima]. What you have to realise is that
the nuclear power issue is actually fundamental
to the question of democracy in Japan. The
explosion and the aftermath are one thing, but
then we elected politicians who are continuing
the policy of nuclear power. There are antinuclear
demonstrations almost every day,
yet that doesn’t in any way affect the power
base of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
TJ: You can sense a sort of simmering
discontent as the story progresses, but
the film never becomes overtly angry.
FK: For me the cinema is really bound up with the
history of propaganda – not so much in subject
matter, but in the process, the notion of just how
easy it is for us to be made to change our minds,
to be manipulated. So when it comes to my own
films, I’m really very wary of creating emotional
propaganda. Instead I want to create a sort of
unresolved space, something that’s discursive, so
the audience has to fill in the gaps for themselves.
TJ: There’s a certain hint of Rohmer in the
subject matter, but do I also detect a Naruse
influence in the combination of everyday
drama and underlying social comment?
FK: You spotted it. When I was growing up, I
really watched a lot of pre-1960 films, and Naruse
was the one who made the strongest impression. I
see a strong kinship between Naruse and Rohmer
because there’s always a clear relationship
between the characters and the camera. They
create a very simple, almost a pure environment
for the story. And I’ve tried to capture something
of that by always shooting the action from the
front, by keeping a certain distance, and never
distorting the relationship between the characters
and the viewer by using low camera angles.
TJ: Yes, it’s certainly unfashionably
classical in that regard, so does that
explain your choice of Academy ratio?
FK: What I’m trying to do with film is shoot
human beings and show their relationships. 4:3 is
definitely the most suitable ratio for the human
face, though something that I learned from my
work in the theatre was that when we really look
at people we realise they never really say what
they’re actually thinking. I don’t know if that’s
typically Japanese, but it’s something Sakuko
discovers for herself in the course of the story.



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看着电影不能只被表面欺骗 汗涔涔的夏天扑着海风骑着单车踩着热沙 看似宁静美好的小地方 却簇拥着很多让人伤神的人与事:龟田叔叔到底和阿姨还是妈妈有过感情 木讷的孝史到底喜不喜欢自己 那个突然到访的老师和辰子和阿姨又有什么关系——这些都是在看似平凡的背后又掩盖不住的善恶美丑仁义道德挑战线。啊!明明这是傍海小镇 为什么要叫“河畔的朔子” 大概是繁杂心事太多 内心浩瀚不了吧。

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7.0 夏天电影TOP5,对这样的佳片怎能没有好感~简洁的表述方式流露出好些美妙的无意识,如同踏足过后的涟漪,引出的遐想教人不由得忘记架构的复杂性。

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