

主演:詹姆斯·奥布里  Tom Chapin  休·爱德华兹  Roger Elwin  Tom Gaman  




蝇王1963 剧照 NO.1蝇王1963 剧照 NO.2蝇王1963 剧照 NO.3蝇王1963 剧照 NO.4蝇王1963 剧照 NO.5蝇王1963 剧照 NO.6蝇王1963 剧照 NO.13蝇王1963 剧照 NO.14蝇王1963 剧照 NO.15蝇王1963 剧照 NO.16蝇王1963 剧照 NO.17蝇王1963 剧照 NO.18蝇王1963 剧照 NO.19蝇王1963 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-31 16:39




 1 ) From Civilization through Barbarism to Savagery

E.B.Taylor, A famous anthropologist and sociologist in nineteenth century, maintained that culture evolved from the simple to the complex and that all societies passed through three basic stages of development: from savagery through barbarism to civilization. But in this movie, we see the opposite law.A group of children were shipwrecked and landed on an uninhabited island. This group of children must build their own society on the island. At first, There was in order. Everyone had division of labor, everyone could express their views, everyone had food to eat. But soon, everything was broken, and the thirst for power and food made the children fall apart.

From Civilization through Barbarism to Savagery

There are two core figures in the film:Ralph and Jack.Ralph has knowledge and thought of a civilized world, he is more mature than the other children.Jack is a very attractive child. He has strong organizational skills. He leads the children in hunting, and leads everyone to sing when they breaks.

Ralph and Jack

It is worth noting that almost all the actors in the movie are children.Children mean ignorance, innocence and simplicity.So, children’s society is closest to Hobbes's "state of nature”.

Ralph has wisdom from the civilized world of the future.He advocated cooperation and set up a democratic system. Everyone has the right to speak and establish rules and regulations to regulate people's behavior. But the rules he made are loose, and are not guaranteed by force. It is obviously not suitable for children's society, because they are children, few people can understand it.So Ralph was seen as a idealist.In contrast, Jack's tribe is more realistic.In that case, whoever can let everyone have meat to eat and help everyone fight against wild animals will become the leader.People followed Jack because of fear or hunger.Then a hierarchy is formed.As Hobbes pointed out that society was a group of people under an authority , each individual delivered natural rights to this authority to maintain peace and resist foreign aggression.

The conflict between Ralph and Jack is mainly institutional. In the early days, Ralph made many rules and regulations. This is also the result of modern civilization. Jack is tired of these constraints and finds that the rules of civilization cannot give everyone a substantial hunting. Help, so Jack chose to give up humanity and regain the animal nature. They killed Simon, Piggy, and pursued Ralph (both children who advocate democracy in the movie). At this time, they are no different from the wolves and can no longer be Belong to the ranks of people.

My major is archaeology, in daily learning, I learned the state of ancient society.In the Paleolithic age of hundreds of thousands of years ago, people were hunting and gathering for living.The state of that time was very similar to that in the movie.People couldn't imagine what cooperation would bring to them.The only thing people want is safety and food.So the man who is the strongest with the highest hunting skills became the leader.

Another focus in the film is the monster.It is because of the fear of this ultimate evil that people finally lose their mind.People started offering sacrifices to it.But such a monster has a good appearance only (in the film, which is figurative as the corpse of a pilot), and the truth of the "paper tiger" will be discovered by uncovering its skin. Unfortunately, the children are ignorant, and they can not admit the simplest truth. Children who know the truth are either accidentally killed as "monster" (Simon)or are killed as "wild animals"(Ralph). In fact, the truth is the weapon that the rulers fear most.

This once again restore the real ancient society.The ruler establish his authority by mystifying some ordinary things and consolidate authority through a strict hierarchy.People who are not in the ruling elite have no right to know the truth.For example, in ancient Egypt, people could not see Pharaoh himself, because Pharaoh wanted people to believe he was God.The Shang Dynasty was the same.As we know, the Shang and Dynasty has a brilliant bronze civilization. In the same period, the exquisite bronzes were in sharp contrast with the rough and backward tools of production. The rulers with bronze casting technology monopolized the technology and raw material. They did not want to share the technology ,but set up a complete system for mystifying and sanctifying bronze to maintain this order.


This movie show us a battle of modern morality and primitive instinct. Violence and instinct are necessary. There is no need to talk about such superstructures as reason and democracy without satisfying the instinctive physiological needs.It takes thousands of years for people to walk into civilization, and it takes only one second to think about backing savagery.

The stupidity, blindness, and animalism that the boys concealed under the education were induced by the director.When human civilization faced the crisis of survival, it unveiled its hypocrisy. The conch symbolized the democratic order but it is so fragile in the face of violence and the desire to survive.

 2 ) 孩子与恶(又是得自河合隼雄先生的启发)











 3 ) “饿”?恶!




我也越来越迷茫, 是人性的缺失,才作恶?还是人性本恶?

 4 ) 蝇群出现带头大哥这一过程涉及的几个关键字














 5 ) 除了理智,还需要计谋


 6 ) The rebel of Lucifer – my understanding of Lord of the Flies

Staring at the ending credits of the movie Lord of the Flies, I truly wished that I had never seen it. It was definitely not one of my favorite, but once watched, it became almost impossible for me to forget about it. The uncomfortable feeling it induced was so strange and complex that it was difficult to say what disturbed me indeed. Even after reading the official interpretations about original evil, the uncomfortable feeling was still there, for although I was totally convinced by the views of the literary experts, I had a feeling that there was something else.
Then what is it that disturbed me so much? Simply speaking, it is a question unanswered: Why Jack? Why did the children choose Jack instead of Ralph? You may explain it by elaborating on the evil tendency of the human soul, but besides it there must be something else that attracted the children who, although have not yet formed proper judgment between good and evil, have the natural ability to tell what they prefer. In a word, there must be something at which Jack was right while Ralph was wrong.
But what was it? At the beginning of the novel, when the two kids first met, Ralph was the more popular one: he was more handsome, a little bit bigger in size, and most importantly, he had the conch, the symbol of democratic power. His initial advantage against Jack was obvious, but Jack gradually took over. How? It is noticeable that Jack was a person with a strong desire to control, starting from the way he led the choir: even on a deserted island did he try to keep order and maintain control. After failing to become leader of the crowd, he quickly found himself a place as chief of the hunting team. As Ralph had noticed, Jack had “the voice of one who knew his own mind.” How about Ralph? According to Piggy, Ralph was “sensible”. What he wanted was to go back to the civilized society, but he put his only hope of rescue, the fire, under the control of Jack ("Ralph, I'll split up the choir--my hunters, that is--into groups, and we'll be responsible for keeping the fire going--"). Even after Jack’s negligence lost them a precious chance to be rescued, he still relied on Jack for the maintenance of the fire.
At first, Jack was all alone, for leisure was much more attractive for the boys than the fruitless effort of hunting. But Jack was determined “‘I went on,’ said Jack. ‘I let them go. I had to go on. I— ’”. He was driven by a desire to kill, though there was no need of it since they had enough fruit to eat. Why did he found himself so tiring a job as hunting when he could have been enjoying the sunshine and water as everybody else? He was definitely not just looking for something to do, but was again seeking control: the control of pigs, the control of food, the control of the hunting team, the control of the stone fortress, and most importantly, the control of life. While Ralph, after finishing the construction of the huts on the beach, what he did was mostly waiting: waiting for some passing ships or planes to take them home. He did call a number of meetings, but most of the meetings were fruitless for they could not reach a conclusion. Being a leader, Ralph always failed to keep his ground. He was furious at Jack’s negligence of the fire, but when Jack offered him the meat, he eagerly accepted. He was aware of the aggressiveness of Jack and the antagonism between him and Piggy, but was never determined to settle it, never determined to take sides. At last, he even forgot that he was the leader and had to be reminded by Piggy to regain his self-image.
The biggest difference between Jack and Ralph was their attitude towards life. For Ralph, he considered life as something that he himself as a child could not master, so he put the hope on others: on Jack who kept the fire, on the unknown adults who might come and take them home, thus losing control of his own life, putting his fate at the mercy of others. But Jack was quite different, he took the responsibility to hunt, to gather a group, to paint, to sing, to build a fortress all on himself, although he didn’t even have to. Instead of returning to the existing civilization, he was the one who tried to rebuild the civilization, though primitive, on his own.
During the process of gaining control, Jack revived the underlying evil force in his soul, which was true beyond denial. But the sense of “control”, once used on someone other than God, is always related to evil and sin. Think about Lucifer the seraphim who refused to bow before Adam. Once violating God’s will and seeking control of his own, the previous Angel of Light became Satan. But according to Paradise Lost by Milton, the wish to make his own judgment, to be his own savior, to look at the world with independent eye was so strong that Lucifer would rather sacrifice the heaven for it.
So was Adam who abandoned Eden for the forbidden fruit. Instead of obeying God, he chose the advice of Lucifer, just like the children who chose Jack instead of Ralph. It is rather interesting to notice that the forbidden fruit was the fruit on the tree of knowledge. It seemed that even ancient man had realized that knowledge is a dangerous thing: there is some knowledge that should never be obtained. It might not be a mere coincidence that the background of the novel Lord of the Flies was the third world war, a war triggered by nuclear weapon, the superlative development of human knowledge.
The writer seemed to imply that man is doomed to be destroyed: even the kids are taking the same route as their elders, gaining too much control on something that they are unable to rein. If this desire of power, of knowledge, of controlling one’s own fate is an inborn birthmark of human nature, then ever since Lucifer rebelled, since Adam went out of Eden, man is destined to die. But since it is a destiny of our own choice, not only of the children in the novel, not only of modern man, but of Adam and of Lucifer who could have enjoyed the heavenly peace so much desired, there might be something right about it that we could not yet understand.



  • 溺水鱼
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  • 马克西米利安
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  • 寡狗
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  • 史丹利
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战争大环境下 孩子也都跟着疯了

  • Diva Tequila
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小学时候读这本书时,懵懵懂懂被里面黑暗的力量所慑服。今天重温寒意仍在,关于成人社会的政治比拟好懂许多,但更大范畴其实仍旧有东西可供挖掘。原著魅力强大。这个版本的Piggy和Ralph成功过Jack, 节奏、气氛、演绎基本高度忠于原作。慢镜头爬上Captain惊愕脸庞时,绝境逢生的

  • mecca
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8/10 迫不及待想看原著小说啊

  • 小凯撒
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  • 空思
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  • cilei
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  • 康报虹
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  • 卡尚
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虽然Ralph代表皿煮和理性,但Piggy才是智慧和光明的象征。双胞胎是纯粹和纯洁?燃鹅看完后还是不造"Lord of the Flies"啥意思……(最后成年男子出现时想到空中杀手。。

  • 好养活
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  • 且歌且走
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  • 芦哲峰
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  • 梦工厂大爷
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  • 柏林苍穹下
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  • unundercooled
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据说戈尔丁很喜欢对原著的“简单化处理”。寓言的性质过强,反而看起来有点刻意了。视听上发明了“fake tracking”,用变焦镜头造成轨道的效果。最好的一个段落是Piggy死后拉尔夫奔逃的段落的画外音处理,高度心理化。时间、服装、光的衔接性很不好。

  • 胤祥
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